1 Remember that this was written when I learned the lesson, so trust what’s being said!
2 Always keep them guessing. Who wants a sure thing? i.e. Chase is better than the catch.
3 You think you got something between you? Bullshit! Wait at least 2 months before you get that comfortable, more like 4. Don’t call often.
4 Relationships are mutual. Who’s calling who?
5 Love is overrated.
6 Never send flowers in advance.
7 Being a nice guy don’t get you shit, quit the act!
8 Feel free to go fuck yourself.
9 When in doubt, jackknife.
10 “Love” is not “the chase.”
11 Trying to hard will always accompany agony, frustration, and anxiety.
12 Read over this document and then tell me you're still in love!
13 Are you a repressed romantic? Trust me; someone else is fucking your girl.
14 There’s nothing wrong with getting emotionally attached with a girl. Do not tell her that!
15 Never tell a girl how you feel, refer to # 2. (Keep them guessing.)
16 Go easy on them, even if you plan on fucking them over. It sucks to be in that situation, so don’t do it to them. Agony sucks.
17 Never listen to romantic music while she’s around, and don’t let her know you listen to it either.
18 Simple. Who gets laid more, a romantic or a player? A romantic is with 1 girl, a player gets many. Do the math.
19 You think she’s the one? Ha. Enough said.
20 Sure, date the wrong girl, but don’t date a useless girl!
21 Ok, so you don’t have an emotional attachment or commitment with a girl, you are fucking her right?
22 Who’s leading the relationship? If it is not you, refer to # 23.
23 Who’s a bitch, a guy or a girl? Strap your balls back to your sack and be a man. You really think a girl wants a bitch for a man? Is a guy that’s not manly enough to take control of the relationship going to be reliable, dependable, and trust-worthy to take care of her?
24 It’s ok to spoon, but for God’s sake don’t fuck face to face.
25 Irrelevant to the girl matter, but I’m sorry. Life is not that good. Grab a drink every now and then.
26 Always trust your instinct. If you think she’s fucking someone else, she most definitely is!